In association with Advocate Leonia Makoko B.A.(Law) LLB. (Admitted Advocate of the High Court of South Africa & Assistant Director)
Advocate Leonia Makoko was born in the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho. She grew up and studied law and obtained her LLB degree at the National University of Lesotho in 1999.
She is an admitted advocate of both Lesotho and South African High Courts.
She worked às a prosecutor from 1993-2007 in Lesotho and from 2007-2016 also worked as a state advocate for the National Prosecuting Authority.
She is currently a practicing advocate.
In association with Maria McMahon from Narcissistic Abuse Healing – www.narcissisticabuse-healing.com
Maria McMahon is a British Certified Clinical NLP/Hypnotherapist, Life Coach & Author.
She specialise in helping men & women who are struggling with the emotional fallout of narcissistic abuse, and helps people to recover from the abuse in weeks, not years. She uses NLP, Hypnotherapy, Inner Child Healing and many other techniques, providing unique, laser-focused therapy (1-2-1 or in group workshops), to help people rapidly recover from narcissistic abuse and the resultant C-PTSD, trauma bonding, nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, depression and other problems caused by intimate partner abuse. She also helps her clients to regain their trust in themselves, and reclaim their self-worth.
Maria is also the author of two books: The Top 50 Red Flags of Romantic Predators: How to Avoid the Narcissist’s Trap, and Narcissistic Abuse Healing: The No-B.S. Guide to healing in weeks, not years. She also has an online course, A Practical Guide to Coparenting with a Narcissist, and she runs 3 Facebook Support Groups with over 8,000 members.
In Association with Advocate Christina Rollin (LLB)
As an Admitted Advocate, Forensic Nurse, International Accredited Mediator, founder of the Sexual Assault Clinic and the current CEO of the Independent Child Protection Unit, I have extensive experience in the medico-legal field concerning child abuse.
I am acutely aware of the minefield of evidence provided to the courts during child abuse litigation, the importance of correct and expert interpretation of such evidence, and more specifically, the medico-legal evidence.
In Association with Independent Child Protection Unit NPO
The ICPU was initially established as a subsidiary project of the Sexual Assault Clinic (SAC) founded in 2012 by Adv. Christina Rollin. Christina is also a Forensic Nurse and has assisted over 2400 children through the SAC since 2012.It became apparent that the current Child Protection System is unable to protect the children of South Africa and the need for a new effective, efficient, relevant and incorruptible model is urgently required to save the future generation of this country.
Our Vision
The ICPU aim to develop a new child protection Model for the children of South Africa, through Research, Investigations and Development.
In Association with The Sexual Assault Clinic – https://www.saclinic.org.za/
The Sexual Assault Clinic and its subsidiary Independent Child Protection Unit (ICPU) aims to:
- protect children from abuse of power and unfair treatment who are in the system and failed by the Child Protection System.
- foster enduring system-wide change that will prevent future failings and improve the Child Protection System and service delivery in the South African context and
- provide a trusted source of independent advice to citizens, professionals in practice and organisations providing service delivery in the Child Protection System.
In Association with Rollin Medico-Legal Consultancy
As an Admitted Advocate, Forensic Nurse, International Accredited Mediator, founder of the Sexual Assault Clinic and the current CEO of the Independent Child Protection Unit, I have extensive experience in the medico-legal field concerning child abuse. I started the practice Rollin Medico-Legal Consultancy after being approached by the NDPP’s office to assist in possible unfounded allegations of child sexual abuse.
I am acutely aware of the minefield of evidence provided to the courts during child abuse litigation, the importance of correct and expert interpretation of such evidence, and more specifically, the medico-legal evidence.
In Association with the Centre For Sacred Healing
The Centre For Sacred Healing
Suraiya Khan
Trauma Therapist
Raised in Mthata in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, Suraiya Khan developed a passion for people when she fell in love with the Xhosa philosophical principle of Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu, which is the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity. Suraiya began her career at Thembelitsha Rehabilitation Centre, which services the Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital, Wellington Maximum Prison and surrounding areas, where she worked for four years.
It was here that she discovered that Trauma was at the core of each case that she managed. She proceeded to develop tools that broke language and cultural barriers in order to facilitate emotional healing for her clients. She then moved to Johannesburg, where she worked at Viewpoint Recovery Centre, A New Reality Halfway House and Icarus Mediation and Therapy. At that time in her career, she had the opportunity to work in rehabilitation and therapeutic programme management.
After fourteen years in the industry, Suraiya founded her own practice, The Centre for Sacred Healing. She now works internationally, designing customised treatment programs for individuals and families who are seeking emotional well-being. The practice’s ethos is based on the elevation of its clients through deep self-discovery and honesty. Realise you are Royalty
In Association with Independent Security Consultant

About Us
Family Focused law and Mediation were born from a father’s plight to not only leave a legacy for his children but to fight an anti-father-based system and correct the wrongs of the failures of the legal system.
Initially, there were two founders, but we leave this story there.
We still believe in fair and equal justice and based on the principle “What is the best interest of the child?’ which formed the foundation of the world-renowned Children’s Act, during the years we realised that there is more to merely correctly implementing the Children’s Act.
We still believe a child needs both parents in his or her life.
This struggle of 6 years became a journey, of self-knowledge, self-improvement, and self-discovery. Initially, it started off as an angry ex-attorney who felt wrongly removed from the role and an angry father wanting to fight the system that unfairly took his only prized possessions from him.
What started as a vengeful battle slowly over time developed into a cooperative foundation to rather educate the legal system and relevant authorities developed into a Family based organisation.
Not only touched the lives of individuals and also developed into an organisation that is actively involved in the battle against child trafficking, and corruption and a ‘watchdog’ to ensure compliance and accountability of The Legislative, Executive, and Judicial authorities of Government and Human Rights Activists. We are also actively involved in assisting Forensic Child Services in specialised investigations to ensure maximum sentences for child sex offenders.
On this journey, a lot of enemies were made but as the saying goes “the speaker of the truth has few friends” …… also the friends and allies that were made were there through good and bad times, thus forming the foundation of our slogan.
“Relationships that drive results.”
We still believe in fighting parental alienation on a non-gender basis, and 50/50 parenting. This passion grew to the extension and inclusion of Child Protection and several other social and legal services we identified as essential and lacking in the work we do.
A cost-affordable legal service to those who cannot afford it, with the best possible service, with the inclusion of services that makes us a ONE-stop service provider to the public, encompassing services with experts working together on strategic solutions, limiting trauma, and not wasting valuable money on long unnecessary stretched out court battles.
A big “thank you” to the few who stood by my side for my re-admission / battle against the LPC and the truth it was a true struggle through the good and the bad.
This company and its branches will always be dedicated to those who make this job worth it.
A posthumously …. Thank you to the Late Frank Shankowitch – Founder of Making a Wish Foundation which led to my daughter’s dream….and thank you for the time you gave to say Hi to her. It changed her world and laid the foundation for what we are to become.
We are proud to announce that we registered an NPO, to encompass and expand from the knowledge we gained into the lack of services. Together with our partners, we aim to create a new frontier of service delivery.
From where we were and the people we engaged, assisting and making a difference is becoming a privilege and an honour.
I will always remain humbled by this journey.
Charl Botha
B.Proc (S.A
A watchman stationed on a wall (2Sam 18:24; Song 5:7) or in a watchtower (2Chr 20:24) whose task it was to warn of approaching danger (Ezek 33:2-6; Ps 127:1). Sentinels also guarded the fields and vineyards, especially during harvest season (Isa 5:2; Job 27:18).
Sentinel’ in the Bible
2 Sam 18:24
David [was] sitting between the two gates, and the sentinel went up to the roof of the gate by the wall and he lifted up his eyes and watched, and look, a man [was] running by himself. Then the sentinel saw another man running, so the sentinel called to the gatekeeper and said, “Look, a man running alone.”
2 Sam 18:26
Then the sentinel saw another man running, so the sentinel called to the gatekeeper and said, “Look, a man running alone.” The king said, “This one also [is] bringing good news.”
2 Sam 18:27
The sentinel said, “I [am] seeing [that] the running of the first [is] like the running of Ahimaaz the son of Zakok.” The king said, “He [is] a good man; he will come, for good news.”
2 Kgs 9:20
So the sentinel reported, saying, “He went up to them, but he did not return, and the driving [is] like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi, for he drives with madness.”
Ezek 33:2
“Son of Man, speak to your nation’s children and tell them: “If I bring the war to a land, and the people of that land appoint one of their conscripted men to serve as a sentinel,
Ezek 33:6
If that sentinel notices that violence is approaching, but does not sound an alarm, then because the nation does not take warning and the sword arrives and destroys their lives because of their guilt, I’ll seek retribution for their shed blood from the one who was acting as sentinel.’”
a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch:
“soldiers stood sentinel with their muskets”
sentry · security guard · nightwatchman · protector · defender · guardian · custodian · keeper · scout · lookout · watch · garrison · watchman
Ezekiel 33
2 “Son of man, speak to the children of your people, and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from their territory and make him their watchman, 3 when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, 4 then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head. 5 He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning will [a]save his life. 6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.’
7 “So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me. 8 When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you shall surely die!’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. 9 Nevertheless if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have [b]delivered your soul.
10 “Therefore you, O son of man, say to the house of Israel: ‘Thus you say, “If our transgressions and our sins lie upon us, and we pine[c] away in them, how can we then live?” ’ 11 Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord God, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’